Affiliation No. 830566 - Secondary & Senior Secondary

Class Activity – II and III Standard

Class Activity - II and III Standard


Interesting and Creative class presentation transforms class activity into an exciting way. Where many valuable life skills were learnt. Environment aims to raise awareness of the importance of respecting and doing their bit for the environment.

“Start today”

“Save Tomorrow”



Theme : National Integration

The student s of III A, the traditional ace, performed a class activity on 18th November 2015. It was based on the theme of national integration students acted as particular states like Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and presented the uniqueness of those states. Then it was followed by a patriotic song ‘Bhasathumkojaian se pyarahai’ and a dance performance on that song.

Through this performance they wanted to show the diversity of India with vibrant colours of different languages, traditions and festivals. They even highlighted that this diversity can be retained by a feeling of oneness and common brotherhood.


Theme : Different forms of Drama

As a part of learning experience, the class activity was conducted to showcase the talents of each class. The main objective of this activity was to provide a platform for students to overcome their inhibitions and enhance their confidence in smaller group performances.

The students of III B, thriving for the best, had depicted the different forms of Drama through monologue, mime, navarasa and the latest form of Drama – ‘spectactor’. The mime of Charlie Chaplin and Montague of the from Hansel and Gretel stole the heart of the audience and the rest of the programmes too were equally informative and entertaining.