Affiliation No. 830566 - Secondary & Senior Secondary

Fancy Dress Competition Grade 1 & 2

Fancy Dress Competition Grade 1 & 2

Come August, and the feeling of patriotism and nationalism is at its highest. In this regard, Fancy dress competition was conducted for grade I and II on 13-08-2015 and 20-08-2015 respectively, with the theme as “National Leaders”

Thanks to a tremendous response from the parents, we had the little ones dressed up in a wide variety of costumes. Our tiny Bhagat Singhs, Nehru’s, Indira Gandhi’s and other National leaders held away as the judges and audience watched spell bound. It was an enjoyable and inspiring way of inculcating the independence day spirit.

PrizeNameGrade – IHouse
IRachit M GI APericles
IIKeerthana G KI CNicon
IIIRuchira SI BNicon
PrizeNameGrade – IIHouse
IMayankKubsadII BMaxims
IISaanvi AII CRegulus
IIIYashasKamathII AMaxims