Affiliation No. 830566 - Secondary & Senior Secondary

Hand Writing Competition Grade 6 to 9

Hand Writing Competition Grade 6 to 9

As the students go to higher classes the content of subjects increases and handwriting takes back seat. But in today’s world handwriting is considered the mirror of one’s personality. So to emphasize on good writing skill, letter formation and beautiful representation of words we conducted Calligraphy/ handwriting competition for Grade 6 to 9 on 21st August 2015.

Students were given a poem from their English book and with great enthusiasm and concentration wrote it in their best handwriting.

Students realized how good handwriting helps them in improving their visual perception of letters and boosts self-esteem as well.



PrizeNameGrade – 6House
IJ L Mark Ricky Simon6 BNicon
IISupraja S6 BPericles
IISwadha Singh6 APericles
PrizeNameGrade – 7House
IAjjaya G D7 ARegulus
IIHarshithaAtrey7 BNicon
IIINamitha7 APericles
PrizeNameGrade – 8House
IChandana D8 ARegulus
IIAarushi K P8 AMaxims
IIIC M Manvitha8 ARegulus
PrizeNameGrade – 9House
INayana V K9 ARegulus
IINidhi Basavaraj9 ARegulus
IIIGauri R9 ANicon